
My name is Paul Haskell. You won't find my name on any race results (yet) or see me log 20 hours a week in the saddle. I am just a regular guy with a wife, two kids and a good job, and when I balance things just right I get to go ride my bike.

The Past

I was first introduced to cycling by my dad, and soon after took a job at a local bike shop. I never excelled in the mechanical arena, but found selling someone the right bike, equipment and clothing really rewarding. I loved the technical aspect of the components and gear, and definitely developed a taste for the finer fruit - even though I was on a college student budget (thank you bike shop discount).

The Present

Cycling remains my number one passion, outside of my family. It definitely takes a back seat most of the time and that's okay. I still find time to ride more than most and I still love to tell anyone who will listen why cycling is great, and that they should buy compression bibs of their own (and even go into public establishments for coffee wearing them).

The Skinny

I want to share my ongoing cycling story and a little insight about bikes that I think other riders like me will find valuable. I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my posts and I welcome any feedback you have - positive or negative (but mainly positive).

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